
Siouxland Libraries Main Branch
Room: Conference Room in the north east part of the library.
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM


  • Chatted about the tests some employers give their job applicants and hacked minecraft servers.
  • Vector told us about the time he was port scanning some work machines and got shutdown by Midco. They said he had to come in and sign something saying he “fixed the problem”. He told them he was doing it for work and got a special “Vector” rule saying he is allowed to do this.
  • Phone numbers can be regionally linked to a handset. 1-800-vector0 will not necessarily call Vector if I try to call him from Florida rather than South Dakota (for example).
  • Mrtuttle described some of the features of org-mode he finds useful.
  • Microsoft released some new exploit warnings the other day. There were some Intel exploits as well, but not as bad as Microsoft’s. https://zombieloadattack.com
  • Exploits don’t get announced until the logo is done and the URL is purchased (allegedly).
  • Vector has a Idatalink Maestro interface in his car that lets him reset his error codes from his stereo. The only problem is that it can only be programmed with a Windows computer with ActiveX turned on.
  • Ian works for some company that helps farmers do their thing, processing point data for them. “Field computers” are Raven’s term for the more generic industry term “monitors”. That is a reference to the computers in the field running the combines and whatnot.
  • Jackson got an EEEPC for half price by asking Asus for a refund for the Windows installation he doesn’t use.
  • Free band name for anyone who wants it: The Evil SCOtar and The C-Group Magicians